Modern Weekly China Shoot

Below are some images from a photoshoot we recently hosted here at the fam. They are by the mega talented Vicki King for Modern Weekly China.

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Our Airstream Dream Came True!

Our 1976 Airstream Land Yacht is ready to roll!  It is parked on the river and we've already had a number of awesome guests.  It has been super fun meeting folks, showing them around the farm and sending them home with fresh tomatoes, eggs, garlic, etc.  

We allow all guests to pick from whatever we happen to have available, and right now we've got an insane number of apples, mustard greens and tomatoes.

Two of our recent Airstream guests from Queens!

Two of our recent Airstream guests from Queens!

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We have garlic!

We just finished harvesting somewhere between 200 and 300 bulbs of garlic!  Currently, it is curing - give us a holler if interested in purchasing some.

The Old Echo Farm

We visited the historical society to try to learn more about Echo Farm's past.

Here is a photo we found of the farm circa 1900!  


Farm Stand is almost ready to launch!

Farm Stand is almost ready to launch!

Our farm stand is ALMOST ready to launch!  

Right now we have eggs available from our free ranging hens, rhubarb, chives, garlic scapes and an assortment of antiques from local auctions.

If you pass by the little Echo barn on County Highway 26, feel free to stop by and say hello!

Chances are we will be out and about, and are happy to open up shop.

You can always contact us directly via the site if you want to schedule a visit and purchase some goodies.

UPDATE (9/6/17):  We have set up a stand outside of the little Echo barn.  You will find apples, tomatoes, peppers, garlic and other goodies!  Stuff as much as you can in the bags provided for just $5.